I had a large mass on my ovary which the doctors were VERY concerned about. It was large an irregularly shaped. So I went to the hospital to get operated on. I was pretty nervous about the biopsy. Well what they found out was that it was not a mass on my ovary but 4 aneurisms on my fallopian tube. They were able to remove it and thank god it didn't rupture...that could have been...bye bye Jane. So it really was my lucky day...no cancer and they found the aneurisms and removed them before any problems were caused. I'm in some pain...but not as bad as I expected.
Another thing that it accomplished was that I had all my affairs in order...something that I should have done long ago.
Bethemy came over today and we crafted off and on for 6 hours...sometimes I layed down and she talked to me...or we went out on the deck for some fresh air. She's ended up being a good friend. She's very kind hearted...a real gem of a person.
Now I can really look forward to my trip to Tennessee this fall. I can't wait to meet Lottie, Beth and Jill. I can just tell that Lottie is a real genuine person and I know we are going to hit it off in person as well as online. Actually I can't wait to meet them all!